Arcadian Infracom Breaks Ground on its San Jose to Sacramento to Reno Fiber Route with The California Department of Technology and California Middle-Mile Broadband Initiative: Arcadian Launches Fiber Construction in San Jose, California
St. Louis, MO, August 14, 2024 – To start construction of additional long-haul and middle-mile fiber routes in the Southwestern and Western US, Arcadian Infracom, a critical information infrastructure company, held a Groundbreaking ceremony with representatives from the California Department of Technology (CDT) in San Jose, California on June 25, 2024. This Groundbreaking formally launched construction on the Arcadian San Jose to Sacramento to Reno route, also known as The Capitol Route.
In February 2023, Arcadian and California created an innovative public private partnership as part of California’s Middle-Mile Broadband Initiative (MMBI). Through this partnership, California enabled construction of Arcadian’s Los Angeles to Phoenix fiber route, also known as The Roadrunner Route. By December 2023, Arcadian had formally commenced construction of The Roadrunner Route in East Los Angeles. The entire Roadrunner Route is slotted for completion in mid-2027, with the California portions completing by the end of 2026.
In October 2023, Arcadian and California announced an expansion of their innovative partnership by collaborating on three additional new fiber infrastructure construction projects: Bay Area to Eureka (The Redwood Route), San Jose to Sacramento to Reno (The Capitol Route) and Barstow to Las Vegas (The Bugsy Route). This extends the scope of Arcadian’s 1,250 route miles of critically needed information infrastructure in California and beyond.
When completed, these fiber routes will connect major data centers and subsea fiber landing stations at each route end point and bring access to this global internet fiber backbone to unserved and underserved California communities along these fiber routes, furthering the public policy goals of California’s MMBI program. The California portions of all these fiber routes are projected to be completed by December 2026.
Dan Davis, CEO and Co-Founder, of Arcadian commented, “Arcadian and CDT continue to collaborate and innovate together to build cost-effective, middle-mile fiber solutions to achieve our shared goal of bridging the digital divide in California and beyond. I deeply appreciate the hard work and insights that our CDT partners continually bring to our efforts to expand accessible fiber infrastructure in California and beyond. It was a genuine treat to again have Mark Monroe (CDT Deputy Director, Middle-Mile Broadband Initiative) and Shannon Martin-Guzman (Project Delivery Manager, Middle-Mile Broadband Initiative) at our June Capitol Route Groundbreaking ceremony in San Jose. I want to send a special thank you to the State of California Executive Branch, Legislative and local community supporters of Arcadian’s efforts in California, with a special shout out to The State of California CIO and CDT Director, Liana Bailey-Crimmins, for their continued support of Arcadian’s collaboration with California to achieve its ‘Broadband for All’ objective. We look forward to continuing our collaboration and upcoming Groundbreakings on additional Arcadian fiber routes in California throughout 2024.”
California State Chief Information Officer and CDT Director, Liana Bailey-Crimmins, also commented: “The public-private partnership we have with Arcadian Infracom has enabled the State to maximize the public dollars available for California’s Middle-Mile Broadband Network. I am grateful to have partners like Arcadian Infracom working with us to build the nation’s largest open-access middle-mile network so that we can permanently close the digital divide.”
About Arcadian:
Founded in 2018 by seasoned communication industry leaders and headquartered in St. Louis MO, Arcadian is a critical information infrastructure development, construction and operations company. Arcadian builds diverse, lower latency long-haul and middle-mile fiber routes connecting major data center locations and subsea landing stations for its cloud and content customers, while also providing access to new global fiber backbones to digitally stranded rural and tribal communities along its route for its telecom, cable company, ISP and enterprise customers. Arcadian purposefully routes its fiber through remote rural and tribal communities to help bridge the digital divide in the U.S. Arcadian currently has six long-haul fiber routes under development in the Southwestern and Western U.S. that, when completed, will add 3,500+ route miles of critically needed new fiber infrastructure.
About The California Department of Technology and Broadband for All Initiative:
In June 2021, the State of California passed historic legislation allocating $6 billion to fund its Broadband for All initiative, including $3.25 billion to create a middle-mile fiber network within California. The California Department of Technology (CDT) leads the Middle-Mile Broadband Initiative that includes State partners California Department of Transportation and the California Public Utilities Commission. The network is being created with public and private sector partners to further digital equity, access and inclusion for all Californians.